Upcoming Events

Principal's Message

Meadowood Education Center

Dr. Karl Radday, Principal
Dr. Artus Huffman, Assistant Principal

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!



Job Fair


Virtual Instruction-Student Directions
Meadowood Education Center Delay Schedule

We are now a BCPS Community School!
Find out more about Community Schools

Baltimore County Public Schools Community Schools

Click here to meet our staff!

MEC Knight

 Phone: 443-809-6888
Fax: 443-809-6889

Meadowood Education Center School Progress Plan

Meadowood Education Center Schoolwide Positive Behavior Plan


At Meadowood "WE ARE ACES!"


2023-2024 Educator of The Year

Timothy Hayden


Congratulations to Mr. Timothy Hayden for being selected as Meadowood Education Center's Educator of The Year! Mr. Hayden works tirelessly to support our students, families, and all school staff.  He is an expert in the school counseling field and all who work with him are impacted deeply by his compassion and immense talents. 

Please join us in celebrating Mr. Hayden!

2023-2024 BCPS Paraprofessional of The Year

Ceaira Isaac


Please join us in congratulating Ms. Ceaira Isaac for being selected as Baltimore County Public Schools Paraprofessional of The Year! Ms. Isaac works daily to support the needs of all of our students. She deeply cares about our students and their overall well-being and success. We are appreciative of your expansive impacts on the Meadowood community. 

BCPS Magnet Program Online Application

BCPS Virtual Calming Rooms

Meadowood Education Center Student Support Survey 



To ensure the students of Meadowood develop the academic skill set, the character strengths, and habits of mind necessary to succeed in school and in life


·         We believe commitment to an excellent education is the most important determinant of our students’ success in life.


·         We believe achieving excellence in education requires hard work and collaboration on the part of staff, students, and parents.


·         We believe in fairness, trust, integrity, and open communication within our school community


·         We believe in cultivating a sense of pride for the MEC community.


·         We believe in each other.


Serving Middle School Youth of The Southwest & Northwest Areas of Baltimore County Schools
Meadowood Education Center – an alternative education program that offers students the opportunity to experience academic and behavioral success. The goals at Meadowood are aligned with the Baltimore County Public Schools’ Blueprint 2.0 for Progress:
To improve achievement for all students
                    To maintain a safe and orderly learning environment
         To use resources effectively and efficiently    

The National African-American Museum of History and Culture

Students who obtained "Meadowood Knight Status" attended a trip to Washington, DC to explore and learn at the National African-American Museum of History and Culture. View our students touring exhibits below. 

MLK Exhibit

Field Trip 1

Field Trip 3
Field Trip 4Field Trip 5

Congratulations to Meadowood Education Center students and staff for being selected as a Maryland State Character Education School of the Year!

MEC Character



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